Kev's Musings

Saturday, November 12, 2005

It's so on...

Met up Thursday night with CW, Lisa, Ryan and Yukiko for what had been dubbed "Blogger Khaaaaan." Beer led to shots, shots led to playing pool (if you could call it that when having trouble just standing), and somehow we ended up carving a Turkey. Yes, at a bar. Don't worry, I don't get it either.

Overall it was lots of fun - good times were had by all except for my liver, which I swear I actually heard scream for help.

The next day, when paying for lunch, I found a receipt in my wallet from Blogger Khaaaaan, answering two outstanding questions:

1: How I got home (taxi, apparently)
2: That I rolled in shortly after 2:00 am - which was really a good idea considering I had a 9:00 am meeting and was leaving for an overnight stay directly from work, requiring morning packing.

I have a feeling the Wrath of Blogger Khaaaaan is already in the initial planning stages.

*Props to Ryan and CW for naming the event and creating the logo... We could open our own Geeky-branding shop.


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