Kev's Musings

Friday, May 25, 2007

Modern celebrity sightings

Yesterday afternoon, while walking home from work, I nearly ran right into Jessica Simpson. The funny thing is that I almost didn't recognize her with out the words "MUTE" in green across her forehead.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Back on the wagon

There's no better motivation to get back into the gym than finding out you actually qualified for a spot in that half-marathon.

Looks like I'll be back in the gym tomorrow at 7 AM.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Radio fake-out

While getting ready for work, I listen to morning radio shows.

There's nothing more disappointing than when you hear the hosts play the first few notes of a really crappy song, just enough for you to think "oh, they're going to do a parody -- this should be good," and instead they just play the original.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol XVI)

Express load (noun) - Similar to the Hail Mary Load, the express load is when you start to separate underwear and key shirts so you can wash them without having to do all of your laundry.

You know you've gotten bad when, to save time, you keep a separate laundry bag so you don't have to dig for these items in your hamper. That would be what we consider a new low.

Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol XV)

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