Relationship placebo
During several discussions on dating and relationships over the past few weeks, I've come to coin a new term for something guys have been doing for some time now, which I like to call Relationship Placebo.
A relationship placebo is something guys pass on to the people they're seeing to make them think they're getting into a relationship without giving them the actual, meaningful signs. The person thinks they're getting the medicine when you realize you're only giving them a sugar pill.
Some examples:
A relationship placebo is something guys pass on to the people they're seeing to make them think they're getting into a relationship without giving them the actual, meaningful signs. The person thinks they're getting the medicine when you realize you're only giving them a sugar pill.
Some examples:
- The guy you're seeing give you a nickname (one of the key elements in relationship building), but instead of using term with any real affection such as "darling," "honey" or "sweetie," he calls you "buddy," "kid-o" or "dude"
- He wants to bring you to a party (which is something that reinforces the concept of "togetherness"), but instead of taking you to something of meaning such as his best-friend's birthday, he he brings you to a party where he himself only knows one or two people
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