Kev's Musings

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The endorsement that may change the election


Monday, October 06, 2008

Kev's rules for guys #327

Don't use the urinal when wearing flip flops.

Just trust me on this one.

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

What's the etiquette?

While I've argued before that sites like Facebook and MySpace are making dating more difficult (such as when one person changed their status to "in a relationship" before they've had "the conversation"), it is also starting to affect friends of people in said relationship.

For example, a long-time friend was dating this girl for a couple of years, so naturally, we became Facebook Friends (which is like a whole new level of friendship that says "I accept that we get along even though we'll never hang out alone"). Now that they've broken up, should I de-friend her?

And what about ex's -- do you defriend them too? What about if you become actual friends again down the road, do you re-add?

And what about if your friend hasn't de-friended his ex? Do you? What if he has?

These are the questions that keep me up at night.

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Five friends vote

Nice video encouraging you to vote. Jonah Hill totally makes this work, although Sarah Silverman isn't bad either
