Kev's Musings

Monday, January 31, 2005

Some thoughts on height

When people tell me how tall they are, I’ve started asking what height they’re referring to. I’ve come to the conclusion that guys have two different height statistics and girls have three.

If you ask a guy his height, we have our Listed Height and our Actual Height to choose from. Listed height is what we can get away with saying (this is usually the stretch you have printed on your drivers license) where Actual Height is what your doctor says you actually are. According to my driver’s license, I’m almost 5’7", whereas in reality I’m 5’5".

Girls also have their Listed Height and Actual Height, but what they don’t tell you, but you should always ask about, is their Heels Height. Just as it sounds, Heels Height is how tall a girl is when she’s dressed up for going out, and it usually adds anywhere from one to four inches to her Actual Height. To make life simple, guys usually estimate it out to about two inches when we hear a girl’s Actual Height.

Heels Height can make a difference. I dated a girl for a while who was about an inch shorter than me. On paper, that sounds perfect, but in reality not quite as ideal. See, one-inch shorter means I can still brag about being taller, but as soon as we’re dressed up and ready to go out - bam - she’s two inches taller than me. Makes for some awkward dancing. In casual photos, I was taller. In formal photos, she was. Once she went out in four-inch stilettos. As hot as they were, she towered over me.

My senior year of college I took a girl to a formal dance who was 4’10". Even factoring in her Heels Height, I was head and shoulders above her. To this day, it’s still one of my favorite photographs.


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