Kev's Musings

Friday, December 30, 2005

You can call me Aaron Burr from the way I'm droppin’ Hamiltons

Because I learned that there are still a few people out there who haven't seen this, I'm including a link to Lazy Sunday. Best thing to come out of SNL in awhile.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Kev for the holidays

Forgetting to charge my iPod's battery, I grabbed it before heading out to visit some friends in Westchester. Somehow, without charging it, my iPod played both ways on the train without loosing power -- my very own Hanukkah miracle.

Of course I may have negated the whole Hanukkah experience by having had too much to drink on Christmas eve, passing out under my friend's family's tree and waking up to find two very puzzled 7-9 year old children looking at me in my clothes from the night before, cuddled up next to a gift-bagged sweater, like some kind of f#&ked-up Christmas present.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

A simple reminder

It is okay to change your status on Friendster from "in a relationship" to "single" when you breakup with a significant other, but proper etiquette states you do the actual breaking up with the person first.

Friday, December 23, 2005

You've answered your own question

Here's a little something for the ladies.

If you've been seeing a guy who is a self-proclaimed commitment phoebe, sending him a text-message at 3 AM that says, "y r u not my boyfriend?" isn't going to help your cause.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The New York City transit strike

In the words of Sheila, eph this -- I'm over the strike! I'm cold, I'm tired and I'm isolated on the Upper West Side.

Maybe if it were a little warmer I'd have a little sympathy for the TWU, but anyone who makes me walk nearly two miles each way in 20 degree weather gets no love from me. TWU -- here's some free PR advice -- want public sympathy? Strike in the Spring. Then we'll be singing your praises as we skip to work.

This is just giving me yet another reason to move to the Cayman Islands and open up my own resort and bar. Y'all are welcome to come party -- you just have to figure out how to get to the airport.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Any takers to answer this one?

Why is it that most people I share the details of my love life with (my actual love-life, not the stuff contained here) seem to think its a actually a bit from my stand-up comedy routine?

On second though, perhaps you really shouldn't answer that...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol VII)

Two Week Scramble (v) - The period just before New Years where 90% of the single guys I know go on a dating rampage to find and secure a midnight kiss. It's almost immediately followed by four weeks of togetherness that ends in the traditional Pre-Valentine's-Day-I-Don't-Want-To-Be-In-A-Relationship-Dumping

Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol VI)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The possible upcoming New York City transit strike

While a transit strike would be horrible for the city, the plus side is that NY1 has never had such high ratings.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A morning realization

Sweet drinks give you the worst headaches. The same thing holds true about women.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

More signs you're getting old

When you go to check out the Web site of the hotel you'll be staying at for a business trip -- to see if you need a swimsuit -- and you get excited about complementry, overnight shoe shining.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The mind of the single man

An exchange from the other day:

Average Joe Male Buddy: How was your dinner last night?
Kevin: Fun -- It was was nice to see Jamie.
AJMB: Did you shag her?
Kevin: No, we're just friends. Beside, I told you, she's engaged.
AJMB: So, not even get a kiss then?
Kevin: Don't you have any female friends you're not trying to sleep with?
AJMB: No. I have guys for that.

The majority of my friends are female, and always have been, which always leaves me wondering, why is it so hard to believe that men can be friends with women? You can quote "When Harry Met Sally" until you're blue in the face, but it still won't make me a believer.

Unfortunately, my female friend's boyfriends are almost always skeptical of our friendship. Sorry guys, I'm not trying to sleep with your girlfriend. Then again, whenever I'm in a relationship, I'm always skeptical that the guy trying to be my girlfriend's best friend isn't trying to sleep with her, so I guess it's a little bit of a catch-22.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol VI)

Hail Mary Load (n) - an emergency, last minute, desperation load of laundry - often just the bare essentials. Usually done when realizing you are on/have already used the last pair of socks, underwear, have an unplanned business meeting to attend or imminent house guest.

Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol V)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Global business and insomnia, a winning combination

Working on global business and having insomnia can be a truly beneficial combination.

Having trouble sleeping? Call Asia and get a jump start on your next-day's to-do list. Up early and can't get back to sleep? Call Europe for a check-in.

However, you begin to realize that your problem has gotten really bad when calling Shanghai and Athens becomes a daily occurrence, and you stop being able to function properly during New York business hours.