Kev's Musings

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The mind of the single man

An exchange from the other day:

Average Joe Male Buddy: How was your dinner last night?
Kevin: Fun -- It was was nice to see Jamie.
AJMB: Did you shag her?
Kevin: No, we're just friends. Beside, I told you, she's engaged.
AJMB: So, not even get a kiss then?
Kevin: Don't you have any female friends you're not trying to sleep with?
AJMB: No. I have guys for that.

The majority of my friends are female, and always have been, which always leaves me wondering, why is it so hard to believe that men can be friends with women? You can quote "When Harry Met Sally" until you're blue in the face, but it still won't make me a believer.

Unfortunately, my female friend's boyfriends are almost always skeptical of our friendship. Sorry guys, I'm not trying to sleep with your girlfriend. Then again, whenever I'm in a relationship, I'm always skeptical that the guy trying to be my girlfriend's best friend isn't trying to sleep with her, so I guess it's a little bit of a catch-22.


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