Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol VI)
Hail Mary Load (n) - an emergency, last minute, desperation load of laundry - often just the bare essentials. Usually done when realizing you are on/have already used the last pair of socks, underwear, have an unplanned business meeting to attend or imminent house guest.
Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol V)
Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol V)
Ah yes, the phenomenon finally has a new. I used to call it "Either This Or Wear Swimming Trunks Day," but yours works better.
Nothing beats the melange of socks, drawers, tshirts, jeans, whatever...
And the puzzled look of women at the laundromat 30 years your senior that basically says, "What the hell is that stupid man doing!?"
CW, at 10:03 AM
On a completely unrelated note.. Can you send me your email address? Charlie and I are changing sites, and we want to email you the new address when it comes about. Thanks!
Amber, at 2:11 PM
Tee hee... I think I was the imminent house guest that prompted this recent "Hail Mary Load" of towels!
Jen, at 7:44 AM
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