What's the etiquette?

For example, a long-time friend was dating this girl for a couple of years, so naturally, we became Facebook Friends (which is like a whole new level of friendship that says "I accept that we get along even though we'll never hang out alone"). Now that they've broken up, should I de-friend her?
And what about ex's -- do you defriend them too? What about if you become actual friends again down the road, do you re-add?
And what about if your friend hasn't de-friended his ex? Do you? What if he has?
These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Well, I say you only defriend the friends of the ex if the ex de-friends you first.
I speak from personal experience. My ex-gf de-friended me, so I decided that since I would never probably see her friends ever again, having them privy to my comings and goings was useless. So I gave them the cut.
De-friending exes should be on a case-by-case basis.
And if your friend hasn't de-friended his/her ex, you shouldn't. Because what if they get back together? I say let their actions dictate your next move.
CW, at 5:57 PM
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