Kev's Musings

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bumping into ex's

I've mentioned before that none of my ex-girlfriends live in New York, so you can imagine my surprise when just the other day I happened to be walking down the street and bumped into an ex I hadn't seen in years.

Most of my ex's are good people who I genuinely like and have kept cordial relationships with. I'm not saying that I talk to them often -- I do believe in moving on -- but we still have the prerequisite annual call/text/e-mail/IM conversation. Needless to say, stopping and saying hi wasn't ungodly absurd or awkward.

One thing I should mention -- while I genuinely like my ex's as people, and while I wish them the absolute best in life, there is something wonderful about seeing an ex with her current boyfriend and having the realization that:
  1. You look much better than her current boyfriend
  2. You're more successful than her current boyfriend
  3. You are FAR more charismatic than her current boyfriend
While it may seem shallow, it's an awesome feeling -- one that is only topped when you notice that your ex is keenly aware of all three as well.

Now, karma must have been shining down on me that day, because when I bumped into my ex I happened to be with my gorgeous, 5'11", barely 120 pound, Scandinavian lady-friend who was wearing clothes 2 sizes too small, despite the cold weather, and didn't bat an eye when I placed my arm around her during the conversation.

In the words of Ferris Bueller, it was so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend it.


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