Odd jobs
I've come to believe that the guy who picks up dirty towels in the locker room of the gym is one of the strangest jobs. I only say that because they see a lot of unattractive naked people during the course of a day. It's quite the occupational hazard.
Seriously, think about it. It must be really strange to spend your whole day with naked people.
I'm sure that guy comes home at the end of the day and sees his wife or girlfriend, and the last thing he wants to do is see them without their clothes on.
"Oh, honey, please! Can't you just cover up! I get enough of that at work!"
Seriously, think about it. It must be really strange to spend your whole day with naked people.
I'm sure that guy comes home at the end of the day and sees his wife or girlfriend, and the last thing he wants to do is see them without their clothes on.
"Oh, honey, please! Can't you just cover up! I get enough of that at work!"
I'd think such a person would develop skills to help, such as auto-vision-aversion and the simple process of Not Noticing. Men in general are good at the whole "I didn't see anything" technique when in the proximity of something they don't want to see (socks on the coffee table? dust on shelves? Item on store shelf that would be somehow embarrassing for him to carry to the cash register?)
Really, if he didn't want to see it, I'm sure he doesn't even notice any naked people because they aren't really important to him, whereas the wife, girlfriend (or boyfriend) waiting at home would be EVERY so much more important.
Murphy Jacobs, at 11:02 AM
Hmm, maybe, except I blame the socks on the table, the dust on the shelves and the embarrasing item on the shelf on a disease that effects 150% of all men -- It's called being clutter-blind. We simply don't see these things. If you want to see if a guy is affected by this epidemic, leave some towles or laundry on the bottom step that you think should make the journey up. If your guy steps over the towels as he walks up the stairs then he suffers from this illness.
Kevin, at 9:26 AM
actually, my guy has an accompanying affliction, for which I have no name, in that once he has completed a task and his mind turns elsewhere with its laser-like precision, whatever acceesory items he had gathered will fall from his hands, completely forgotten, to remain where they were until either he needs then again (and can't find them) or I relocate them.
In all fairness, I have a similar problem with my car keys and sunglasses, which he always can locate. This does make me suspicious he moved them in the first place just to be one-up on me, but I have no proof, and, besides, it implies he can remember where he left something.
Murphy Jacobs, at 10:16 AM
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