Netflix as a dating tool?

Is it a bad sign when you decide someone is no longer worth dating because they only gave your favorite movie two-stars on Netflix?
I don't know if Netflix was ever meant as a dating tool, but it sure is useful. For instance, let's hypothetically say you start seeing someone, and you get along, but you don't really discuss movies. Then, somehow she mentions that she subscribes to Netflix, so you add her to your friends list. One day, you're procrastinating (hypothetically) and looking at movies she rated and see that she gave SEVERAL of your favorite films one and two star ratings. One and two stars! Movies like The Goonies, Napoleon Dynamite and even Anchorman (hypothetically)! It provides you with great insight into how the relationship is going to work. If I were in that hypothetical situation, I'd hypothetically end things before they hypothetically went too far. Hypothetically.
Its like Rob says in High Fidelity: "...what really matters is what you like, not what you are like... these things matter, and it's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently, or your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party."
I do in fact use Netflix ratings as a judgement of character and rate expecting it will be used against me.
But there is a short list of movies that a negative rating would make me wonder about them. Off the top of my head:
Before Sunset
Before Sunrise
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
High Fidelity
Say Anything
Fight Club
Melanism, at 11:51 AM
If the person you're dating has the same tastes, same likes and dislikes as you, then wouldn't life become a lil' boring??
I believe its more adventurous to date someone unlike you...Makes life more spontaneous
PhAt LooNy WoMan, at 1:35 PM
Yes, that could become boring but it's better than a person who counts Deuce Bigelow and Superman IV: The Quest For Peace as two of their favorite movies of all-time.
If I wanted spontaneity, I would have become a chemist. J/K
Melanism, at 10:18 AM
Anchorman is such an original movie! Hey Aqualung! I love Jethro Tull!
Anonymous, at 10:31 AM
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