Kev's advice on the stomach bug
If you're thinking about exposing yourself to the stomach virus that is going around, in hopes that you can score a day off from work -- pass. Oh sure, bed rest and back-to-back episodes of 24 may seem great in theory, but when you can't even keep down water or bread, you'll wish you were right back at your desk.
On the other hand, if you're looking for a quick weight-loss regimen without having to make time for the gym, I highly recommend coming down with it.
On the other hand, if you're looking for a quick weight-loss regimen without having to make time for the gym, I highly recommend coming down with it.
Labels: Kev's view, work
Get well soon.
FWIW, I wonder why it seems like everyone in the blog world and beyond is sick this week.
Feel better.
TCP, at 12:00 PM
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