Kev's Musings

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nature's steam room

I've decided that I'm no longer going to waste time steaming my clothes in the morning. The 90+ degree New York Weather with about 5000% humidity blasts any wrinkles out of my clothes for me on the way into the office.

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  • I have it on good authority that you miss the weather in London now that you're back in New York (should have taken my advice - you actually NEED an iron here!). Given the sporadic rain showers that happen any given moment in any given day, I've given up on checking the weather report.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:44 PM  

  • But are fewer wrinkles worth needing a second shower by the time I get to the office?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:02 PM  

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