Kev's Musings

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

What I learned on the way to Pennsylvania

Hello all,

I'm out in lovely Scranton, PA (also known as Pensylbama) and thought I'd share some key findings I learned this afternoon.

Some fun facts from the craptacular state of Pennsylvania:

- In Pennsylvania the fine for speeding is $5 for every mile over the speed-limit you're going.

- In Pennsylvania 20 miles per hour over the speed limit adds a charge of reckless endangerment, even if you are the only car on a deserted highway (Okay, just you and a parked state trooper hidden by a bend).

- In Pennsylvania state troopers view joking around, even as a nervous habit, as resisting arrest.

- In Pennsylvania getting charged with speeding, reckless endangerment and resisting arrest means you get to go to the station so they can run a background check on you, and if you need to leave before the check is over, they hold on to your drivers license.

Or so I've heard...

(Legal disclaimer - for those actually concerned, this entry does contain some embellishment -- they didn't actually charge me $5 per mile over the limit - they simply rounded to the nearest 10)


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