Want to be desired by every woman in town? Get a girlfriend
Why is it that the moment we guys get into a relationship, every woman wants to date us? Seriously. All guys have experienced this. The moment we're off the market, women flock to us. It's like somehow they know. Women eye you in the street. Random waitresses scribble their numbers on the back of receipts. Girls who would otherwise never give you the time of day won't leave you alone.
I want to bottle whatever this is and sell it on the market to single men. It'll be a new cologne that makes it smell like you have a girlfriend. I'll call it "Unavailable."
I can see the commercial now:
Scene: A stunningly beautiful woman talking to an average guy in a bar.
Woman: "oh, but you must have a girlfriend..."
Guy: "Well, not really..." (winks at the camera)
Voice-over: "New Unavailable... by Calvin Kline."
I want to bottle whatever this is and sell it on the market to single men. It'll be a new cologne that makes it smell like you have a girlfriend. I'll call it "Unavailable."
I can see the commercial now:
Scene: A stunningly beautiful woman talking to an average guy in a bar.
Woman: "oh, but you must have a girlfriend..."
Guy: "Well, not really..." (winks at the camera)
Voice-over: "New Unavailable... by Calvin Kline."
That goes double for getting married. I think the single most attractive thing a man can wear is a wedding ring. Women who would never have given me the time of day when I was single flocked to me when I was married.
The flip side to this is that they are super-hot for you until you give in, then you're a cheating dog and they're not interested any more.
Life's a bitch.
Frank, at 10:24 AM
The same holds true for women. Make sure you include a women's version in your cologne-making endeavors.
Jen, at 12:38 PM
It's easy to flirt with married men, you never have to follow through. Likewise, I'm CONSTANTLY getting hit on by married men. Perhaps I give off the 'you're safe here, I'll send you packing' vibe.
canadian sadie, at 10:16 PM
Happens to me and I'm not married, but I'm not looking for a BF either. Its like Murphy's Law : When you wish for something, you never get it and when you don't want it anymore, it drops in your lap!!
PhAt LooNy WoMan, at 1:57 PM
This settles it. I'm buying a wedding ring and constructing an elaborate "It's not working" story.
Melanism, at 10:15 AM
I think its the idea of wanting what you know you can't have . . . I've definitely given guys a second look once I knew they were taken. In fact, I have my eye on a "taken" man at the moment. :)
Anonymous, at 1:26 PM
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