Kev's comedic view on the everyday life of a twentysomething guy.
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I'm a native New Yorker, living in Sydney, with manners taught in Texas (the accent only comes out when I've had a little bit to drink). I can say "I like ice cream" in several languages, but little else (although I'm learning "where is the Embassy" is also a good one to know.) I have a serious weakness for chocolate-chip cookies.
the phenols in the agave plant exert the same electronegativity that makes them great antioxidants, and pull the polar ethanol molecules together around them. this changes the index of refraction of the solution. thats why as the alcohol content increases, the more the light is bent, and the skinnier the girl looks.
amazing picture.
SMZ, at 5:29 PM
CW, at 11:58 AM
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