Star f#*king
So a few weekends ago, while out with the guys at a local bar, we bumped into Kimmy Gibbler from Full House. Being that we’re guys, and live in New York, we have an ongoing contest to see who can hook up with the most prominent and/or obscure celebrity. So immediately all eyes locked on Kimmy.
Jeremy lay down the stakes: 10 bucks, from each of us, to the first guy who could get her number, it rose to $15 if you hooked up with her that night, and jumped to $25 per person if you could do it before Sweet Caroline came on the jukebox. Unfortunately in conversation we learned she was married. Personally, it was no skin off my back considering it left me in first place, having kissed the girl who played Janice in Head of the Class (front row) during a game of Spin the Bottle when I was 12.
Jeremy lay down the stakes: 10 bucks, from each of us, to the first guy who could get her number, it rose to $15 if you hooked up with her that night, and jumped to $25 per person if you could do it before Sweet Caroline came on the jukebox. Unfortunately in conversation we learned she was married. Personally, it was no skin off my back considering it left me in first place, having kissed the girl who played Janice in Head of the Class (front row) during a game of Spin the Bottle when I was 12.
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