Kev's Musings

Monday, July 02, 2007

I like my bathroom REALLY clean

According to the directions on a can of Comet, you should sprinkle it on your sink, tub and toilet for 15 seconds and then wipe and rinse to clean. If you also want to disinfect, you should leave the Comet on for five minutes before wiping and rinsing.

Personally, I think I subconsciously like my bathroom really, really clean, because I sprinkled Comet onto my sink, tub and toilet, forgot about it and went to work for 12 HOURS before I came home to wipe and rinse it off.

To take advantage of my new super-cleanliness, if you come over to my place over the next few days, don't be surprised if I offer to serve you dinner in my tub.

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