Kev's Musings

Monday, October 18, 2004

Dating is like dancing

Since my days studying interpersonal communications in college, I still like to think that dating is a well choreographed dance. There’s set moves and steps that you indicate to your partner by how you hold their hand, how you step, and what you indicate with your body language.

I’ve also come to the conclusion that the dancers have no sense of rhythm, don’t know the beat of the song and generally have no idea how to dance, so we’re all getting our cues misinterpreted and stepping on each other’s toes. For example, when a guy thinks he’s motioning to dip a girl, she misunderstands and thinks he wants to spin her. That’s why dating is so confusing - everyone’s dancing to the same song, we just don’t know each other’s moves or how to follow them.

That’s why men and women have so much trouble figuring out what do what or say or how to react - you think we want to tango, when we’re interested in more of a foxtrot.


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