Kev's Musings

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'll cook

So a friend of mine, who had gone on a few dates with this girl he met called me up, looking for suggestions on how he could “kick things up a notch” with her. Given the number of dates they had been on, I suggested he invite her over and cook her dinner, both scoring points for being romantic as well as putting the implication of sex directly on the table (so to speak). My friend, not believing me that inviting someone over for dinner somewhat implicates sex, asked me to appeal the idea to The Girl Council.

For those who don’t know, The Girl Council is one of my best ideas. Made up of 6-7 girls in my office, I (and my male friends through me) bounce ideas off of them and ask for interpretations of cues that girls give off to get the female perspective. I in turn do the same for them regarding the guy point of view (and 7-1 is about the ratio of women to men in PR, so it works out well).

Well, The Girl Council agreed with me by a clear majority, but it was not a unanimous vote. Needless to say, debate broke out on the topic and we spent much of the rest of the day discussing it.

Vindication came that very night when I got home and turned on an episode of my favorite show, the BBC’s Coupling, in which the following conversation took place:

Sally: You know what “I’ll cook” says, it says “let’s have sex.”
Susan: No, that would be “come and spend the night with me.”
Sally: “Come and spend the night with me” says “let’s have sex.” – “I’ll cook” says “let’s have sex and I’ll cater.”

I rest my case.

Oh, and for any of you reading this who are slightly worried after also receiving an invitation to my dinner party, no need to worry, it’s not my way of suggesting an orgy.


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