Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol IX)
The relationship hail Mary (phrase) - The maneuver you (or someone you've been seeing) pull as a last-ditch effort to avoid being dumped -- usually doing something overly sweet or something you/they would never agree to do under normal circumstances.
Male buddy: Last night Joani just showed up at my door with a copy of Top Gun, a bowl of chips and then cooked me dinner.
Kev: Think she knows you're going to break it off with her?
Male buddy: I think she has some idea -- she threw the relationship hail Mary.
Kev: It work?
Male buddy: Nah, I'm still going to end things next week.
Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol VIII)
Male buddy: Last night Joani just showed up at my door with a copy of Top Gun, a bowl of chips and then cooked me dinner.
Kev: Think she knows you're going to break it off with her?
Male buddy: I think she has some idea -- she threw the relationship hail Mary.
Kev: It work?
Male buddy: Nah, I'm still going to end things next week.
Kev's guide to understanding guys (vol VIII)
The Relationship Hail Mary usually involves lingerie or the phrase "I'm not wearing any ___________" then a post-coital "We need to talk"
Melanism, at 11:06 AM
Nah, you're confusing the relationship hail Mary with the classic "shag and bag" manuver.
Kevin, at 1:31 PM
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