Kev's Musings

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

One of THOSE mornings

Ever have one of those mornings where you stumble out of bed, wearing the clothing you wore the night before, feeling a bit hung-over? You look back at mess of sheets and realize you're not not completely sure who the person is still lying inside it.

You make your way out, praying you find some coffee, to find the living room is a mess of empty and half-empty bottles of wine, beer and hard liquor. There are cigarette butts all over the coffee table -- and you don't even smoke.

Some dude, who you think is called Tim or Jim or maybe Steve, is alseep, passed out or possibly dead, in his boxers on the couch. Someone decided that the carpet was a much better place to puke than the trash can 5 feet away, or possibly just sped up the process up by pooring a complete bottle of Jagermeister directly onto the floor.

It's around the time you begin thinking about what a bitch the clean-up process is going to be, that you finally realize that you don't actually live there.


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