This one’s for the ladies
While I’ve realized in my travels that we guys know absolutely nothing about women (except for the fact that flowers are always a good thing), I’ve realized I can further the advancement of dating by providing you ladies with helpful tips about guys, something I’m confidently more well versed in. I’m starting a new reoccurring segment entitled Kev’s Guide to Understanding Guys, in order to help female readers understand the relatively simple creatures that we are. My hope is that perhaps if I can help you better understand us, it will somehow further our own cause of getting closer to you.
Today’s Kev’s Guide to Understanding Guys is a vocabulary lesson -- the male phrase “Full Boat.”
Full Boat (n) – descriptive term to mean your dating rotation is completely filled (sometimes described as a “full ship”). It can either be full due to multi-tasking or extended focus on a single female (sometimes referred to by women as “a relationship”)
Example 1:
Kevin: I want to fix you up with one of my coworkers. I think you would really get along.
Kev’ Male Buddy: Thanks, but I’m driving a full ship right now.
Example 2:
“I’ve got a full boat right now, but I might offload some cargo on Tuesday.”
Today’s Kev’s Guide to Understanding Guys is a vocabulary lesson -- the male phrase “Full Boat.”
Full Boat (n) – descriptive term to mean your dating rotation is completely filled (sometimes described as a “full ship”). It can either be full due to multi-tasking or extended focus on a single female (sometimes referred to by women as “a relationship”)
Example 1:
Kevin: I want to fix you up with one of my coworkers. I think you would really get along.
Kev’ Male Buddy: Thanks, but I’m driving a full ship right now.
Example 2:
“I’ve got a full boat right now, but I might offload some cargo on Tuesday.”
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