Sunday, October 30, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Groucho Marx syndrome
I call it Groucho Marx Syndrome. It's for guys who suffer from what my college roommate used to used to call those "tell-me-that-you-love-me-oh-you-do-well-see-you-later" kind of feelings.
Sorry ladies, it goes back to our cave-man roots. We like the thrill of the hunt. Once we've got what we're looking for, we're conditioned to start the whole process all over again.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Why, God, why?
Saturday, October 22, 2005
After you've blown it
Unintentional penis on religious book called "After You've Blown It"
By Mark Frauenfelder Mark Frauenfelder:
fd says: "The full title of the book is 'After You've Blown It: Reconnecting with God and Others.' The cover art shows what can only be described as a man standing on a gigantic penis in front of puckered lips.
"The publisher, Multnomah, has already changed the cover art on the book, converting the penis into a cliff
"Amazon has updated their cover art when you click 'Search inside this book' but their product page thumbnail still shows the old image."
Thursday, October 20, 2005
And then again, maybe not
The morning in which Kevin finds religion
Yesterday afternoon I was told that I'll be meeting a new client this morning.
Being the professional that I am, I wasn't about to let this career-moment stop me from going to celebrate BJ's birthday last night. It was going to be a quick drink. One round and I was going to leave.
Yeah, right.
The rounds flowed. We did shots (because that's always a great idea on a Wednesday). Some of the drinks were on fire. I was sexually-harassed by my friend's Fiancée’s Aunt Didi. Repeatedly. At some point the waiter started bringing me more Stella without even asking. We sang into people's voice mail. Aunt Didi stole our mobiles to let everyone know that she was going to have both Jim and I naked at the wedding. I got home late, mildly trashed and/or retarded.
My belief in a kind and benevolent God kicked in around
I know what you are thinking, and no, I'm not still drunk. It's divine intervention -- somehow God turned my beer into Pepto and my cheese fries into Advil. That's a miracle in my book.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Sort-of an ex
Mike likes to call them "ex's" because it he feels like it resonates better with his target audience (women) than when he describes the person as, "this girl I used to bang." I can't fault that logic -- no argument there.
Another buddy, who I promised would remain nameless, also likes to call them "ex's" because he feels like it makes him sound like less of a commitment-phoeb by having a recent ex -- he just leaves out the part that they broke up because he didn't want to get into a committed relationship with the girl.
Personally, I've been leaning towards "sort-of an ex." I feel like "ex" is a term reserved for those who held the position of "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" -- kind of like how Presidents and Generals always get to keep their title. However, in my book, if she didn't put in the full service time, she hasn't earned the title. I figure if I use "sort-of an ex" and follow it up by looking a little sad (and maybe breaking eye contact for a bit) I'll never need to really explain what it means.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
The breakup hangover
I've noticed that dealing with a breakup is a lot like having a hangover. The more you notice how bad you feel, the worse it becomes. On the other hand, if you acknowledge it, get yourself some greasy food and -- no matter how much you may not want to -- a little of the hair of the dog that bit you (in this case, instead of a little gin, it's meeting someone new) you can bounce back more quickly.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Happy birthday
Wow, thanks dad! I wonder if he realizes that I'm having trouble just keeping plants alive...
And that folks was the introduction to my late-twenties.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Some additional Friendster issues
- If you start seeing somebody and then "friendster" them, is that a sign that you just want to be friends?
- If you stop seeing someone whom you've "friendstered," does proper etiquette dictate that you "de-friendster" them, or is that just cruel?
- Is it okay to signal to someone that you want to stop seeing them by "de-friendstering" them?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Responses not to use when someone says "I love you"
- That's nice
- Why would you go and say a thing like that?
- Yeah, right
- And I love Amy -- see the problem?
- No, seriously...
- Thanks, I think
- Oh shit -- I was about to dump you
- Can't we talk about this?
- (Chuckling) No. No you don't
And my new personal favorite:
- Okay, you have two choices: 1) I can lie and tell you, "I love you too" or 2) I can gracefully dodge the prompt to reply, letting you read into and overanalyze to death the fact that I never said anything back. The decision is yours -- I'll give you a few seconds to think it over. Let me know if you want me to hum the jeopardy music.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Treating the problem or just the symptoms?
Either way, if you're in my phone, expect even more "mobile musings." I just can't promise they'll be at a decent hour. Or even coherent, for that matter.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Off to a great start
Welcome to Friday -- it's going to suck
Thursday, October 06, 2005
This is getting ridiculous
Now I know I spend too much money.