Kev's Musings

Sunday, June 26, 2005

24 Hours of growth

I find that the strangest thing to grasp when flying to the South Pacific (other than the fact that you skip a day when crossing the International Date Line) is that even if you shave just before leaving to go to the airport for the flight, you arrive at your destination needing to shave again.

(Still Down Under - visit

Thursday, June 23, 2005

That sexy American accent

Why is it that you only meet people who find your American accent "so sexy" is when you're leaving the next morning on a 5 AM flight?

Still in Australia - check out my travels at

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Gone Fishin’

Sorry it’s been a little while since the last post, but I’ve been in California on business. Unfortunately it might be a little longer before I can post again, as I’m leaving for Australia tomorrow.

I’m also hoping to keep updates on my travels through a blog that I setup for the trip. The address is Let me know what you think, I’m hoping it’s an enjoyable way to keep a record of the trip.

Please check back, as I’ll try and add some musings while I’m Down Under, but just think of like one of those episodes of a TV show where they go on vacation, like when Saved by the Bell did that season at the beach, or the Seavers went on vacation to Hawaii, although I’m not certain Stacey Carosi works on the beach in Australia...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The men's room quagmire

YesterdayI entered the men's room in my office and was faced with the classic male-etiquette quagmire.

Here's the situation:

My office recently moved into a new space, putting all of us, who were previously on two seperate floors, onto one. While there are still very few men, it's no longer an abnormality to find other guys in the men's room. Our new restroom has three stalls (indicated below with an "S") and two urinals (indicated below with a "U"). For those ladies out there, male etiqutette dictates that you never use a stall or urinal next to someone who's already using one (the only exception is sporting events and crowded movie theaters). So here's what I encountered (stalls or urinals being used indicated by an "X"):


So what did I do? I waited. I couldn't "couple off" with the dude using the other urinal, and there's no way I was going to be sandwiched into the middle stall.

In the words of Sean, it just wasn't my time.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I want to be different, just like everybody else

From a recent conversation with a buddy on women:

Kevin: ... I guess I just like girls who are very sweet -- it goes very far with me.
Friend: So basically, what you're saying -- if I understand you correctly, is that you like girls who are nice to you?
Kevin: Yeah, I guess so.
Friend: There's an epiphany.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Weekend dilemma

Why is it that every weekend, when the weather is nice and warm, I find myself faced with the same dilemma: go for a run by the river or have a glass of wine and take a nap on my couch?

Why is it that the latter always seems to win?

Friday, June 03, 2005

Accidently in love

I have a little announcement to make that may shock a few of you. It shocked me.

I'm in love.

That "sing-song" kind of in love. That "I-want-to-shout-it-from-the-top-of-tall-buildings" kind of in love. That "I-want-everyone-in-the-world-to-know, i'm-going-to-post-it-on the-Internet" kind of in love.

She's perfect. Beautiful, sweet, petite, gorgeous, stylish. She knows just what I like, and when I like it. She even gets the same song in her head at the same time I do. And she just fits me so nicely. My friends are even taken with her -- but I know she's mine. I have a good feeling about this one.

Of course I'm talking about my new iPod Mini.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Science to back commitment phobia?

From yesterday's New York Times:

"In the new study, the researchers also saw individual differences in their group of smitten lovers, based on how long the participants had been in the relationships. Compared with the students who were in the first weeks of a new love, those who had been paired off for a year or more showed significantly more activity in an area of the brain linked to long-term commitment."

The pharmaceutical wingman (vol II)

While at the beach for Memorial Day weekend, I got a call from a friend that again put my pharmaceutical background to use.

While I don’t practice, nor endorse, the popular technique of peering into people’s medicine cabinets, a friend of mine decided to take a “sneak peek” into the medicine chest of the girl he’s been seeing. Upon finding some recently prescribed drugs, he decided to give me a call. The conversation went something like this:

Kevin: Hello?
Peeping Friend: Dude, it’s me. I need your help.
K: What’s up?
PF: I’m in Marie’s bathroom and I found some prescriptions. Can you tell me what they’re for?
K: Sure. What have you found?
PF: Okay. First up, something called Etodolac…?
K: No worries, anti-inflammatory, most likely for an injury. What’s next?
PF: Two more. Something called Depakote, and another, Abilify…
K: Uh-oh. What track is she on?
PF: Relationship. Why?
K: She’s bipolar. Decide how much you like her…
PF: There’s a bathroom window – I’m out of here.

I guess there’s also something to be said about girls who live on the first floor.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

No, I don't have "that" kind of problem

Why is it that the moment you step out of the restroom, after accidently splashing water on the crotch of your pants from washing your hands, you bump into the CEO of your company who engages you in a 25 minute conversation?