Some of my friends have begun giving thing up for Lent. Personally, I've always kind of liked the idea, it's like a mini-New Years resolution. So, being that I'm not Catholic, I'm introducing Inverted Lent (in a Festivus-esq fashion).
What's Inverted Lent? Well, instead of giving something up, I'm adding something. That's right, I'm going to
start doing something from now until Easter. Something that is difficult to do, as a challenge to myself.
I'm going to start flossing.
Yes, for my first Inverted Lent I'm going to start flossing. Sound easy? It's not. I hate flossing. I don't do it, I lie to my dentist about it (although I think he's starting to catch on...), I even boast about it when I don't have any cavities. But bottom line:
I don't floss.
In the words of
Mitch Hedberg, "people who smoke cigarettes, they say 'You don't know how hard it is to quit smoking.' Yes I do. It's as hard as it is to start flossing. 'You look gittery.' 'Yeah, I'm about to floss.'"
So I'm going to start flossing. Today. Until Easter. And if I seem a little on edge for the next few weeks, or my gums start bleeding, you'll know why.
Labels: holidays, Kev's view